Suicide Prevention
These resources are meant to help you better understand suicide as it relates to you and those you care about. These videos are not a substitute for getting treatment. If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, please reach out a parent or other trusted adult, a teacher, your school counselor, pastor, your doctor, the emergency room, or call/text this hotline number: 1-800-273-8255 or dial 211.
13 minute video, suicidal ideation explained to parents
A young man describes how depression led him to contemplate suicide and how others can begin helpful interactions around this topic. 11 minutes.
Kati Morton, suicide and a safety plan, 10 minutes
Kevin suffers from severe Bipolar Disorder, a form of depression. He attempted suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. By a miracle, he survived. Now he travels the country sharing his story so that the many other people who are suffering with mental illness can know that there IS hope.14 minutes
Kevin Briggs bridge patrol, 8 minutes
Kevin Berthia talks about how we can impact people's lives just by listening. He uses his own story about how someone just listening helped him stop himself from committing suicide, 20 minutes
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline outlines 5 research-based steps that can help to prevent a suicide, 5 minutes.